San Francisco Computer Company Ensures An Online Investment Firm Has The IT Security and Reliability They Need for Them and Their Clients.

The Online 401(k) in San Francisco works with small businesses and individuals to help them save for retirement. They’ve been in business since 1999 and have been the industry “black sheep” since they opened their doors. Why? —Because they are fierce advocates for the “little guy” when it comes to investing. Because they deal with […]

San Francisco Business Computer SupportThe Online 401(k) in San Francisco works with small businesses and individuals to help them save for retirement. They’ve been in business since 1999 and have been the industry “black sheep” since they opened their doors. Why? —Because they are fierce advocates for the “little guy” when it comes to investing.

Because they deal with people’s money, it’s critical that The Online 401(k) has a rock- solid IT infrastructure. They have helped people save over $1.3 billion dollars, and they do 100% of their business online. They heavily rely on their IT systems to insure that their clients’ transactions, and their futures, are secure.

On Time Tech replaced their one-man IT shop that was not effectively supporting the staff. We also helped them relocate their offices, without missing a step.

Sylvia Gabriel Flores, a Marketing Expert from The Online 401(k), remarked about how On Time Tech helps them fulfill their mission:

“On Time Tech has been working with us for a long time. There are a number of reasons for using their expertise.Having an in-house person is risky for us. We need 100% uptime and availability from knowledgeable people. If we had an IT person on staff, we would be running the risk of that person being out, or sick, or whatever—We simply can’t afford to have a moment go by where we don’t have IT support. 24/7 IT support is totally necessary for our business to thrive. On Time Tech delivers this.”

Sylvia went on to say:

“OTT also helped us migrate from a PC environment to Mac. That was no small feat, as we have 60+ people on our staff. I can’t say enough about our friends at OTT. They don’t feel like they are outsiders, they feel like part of our little family. They are SO responsive to our needs. Personally, they’ve helped me set up my own IT system; they’ve fixed my broken stuff, and have migrated me to a new notebook three times now! They are ‘badasses!’Plus they bring us donuts! Yes, donuts!”

On Time Tech has a great, long-term relationship with The Online 401(k) as their outsourced IT Department. They are fun to work with, and we try to be the same!

For more information about the services we provide, or for a complimentary IT Assessment (including donuts!), contact On Time Tech at: {phone} or email us at: {email}


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