San Diego IT Consulting Company Receives an Award as a Finalist for the BBB International Torch Awards!

As a finalist for the BBB International Torch Awards, On-Site Tech Support attended the BBB Self-Regulation Conference and International Torch Awards on June 24th, 2014 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. On-Site Tech Support Receives an Award as a Finalist for the BBB International Torch Awards! We’re pleased to […]

As a finalist for the BBB International Torch Awards, On-Site Tech Support attended the BBB Self-Regulation Conference and International Torch Awards on June 24th, 2014 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC.

On-Site Tech Support Receives an Award as a Finalist for the BBB International Torch Awards!

We’re pleased to announce that our hard work and dedication led to the accomplishment of receiving an award as a finalist at the ceremony! Our team of IT experts truly enjoyed the opportunity to learn about best practices, network with renowned industry leaders, and discover how to leverage and apply self-regulation principles at the industry, business, and marketplace level.

About the BBB Self-Regulation Conference & the BBB International Torch Awards

The Council of Better Business Bureaus and the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business hold the annual BBB Self-Regulation Conference to engage business leaders, regulators, legislators, thought leaders, associations, and self-regulation practitioners. As an attendee, our team of IT experts had the opportunity to:

  • Learn about best practices for self-regulation, as well as discuss the advantages and disadvantages of global self-regulatory initiatives.
  • Network with renowned industry leaders who have demonstrated marketplace excellence.
  • Discover how to leverage and apply self-regulation principles successfully at the industry, business, and marketplace level.

The BBB International Torch Awards are designed to honor businesses for their marketplace ethics, which are evaluated in four main categories: management practices, community, investor, and stakeholder relations, communications and marketing practices, and industry reputation.

To learn more about the BBB Self-Regulation Conference & the BBB International Torch Awards, give us a call at 619-717-8070. On-Site Tech Support strives to continuously learn and apply self-regulation best practices, in order to improve security while reducing risks of noncompliance.


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