Nashville IT Company Provides Proactive Medical IT Services & Support to Help Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care Achieve HIPAA Compliance and Better Serve Their Patients!

Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care is an integrated healthcare and wellness practice composed of medical doctors, chiropractors, therapists, and nurse practitioners working together to better serve patients throughout Nashville, TN. When Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care was looking to implement a new server and achieve HIPAA compliance, Sunriver IT was the perfect Nashville […]

Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care is an integrated healthcare and wellness practice composed of medical doctors, chiropractors, therapists, and nurse practitioners working together to better serve patients throughout Nashville, TN. When Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care was looking to implement a new server and achieve HIPAA compliance, Sunriver IT was the perfect Nashville IT support company for the job!

As an integrated healthcare and wellness practice, Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care relies heavily upon technology to streamline business operations while improving productivity and efficiency to better service their patients.

The Situation: A One-Man IT Support Company That Was Unable to Meet Their Growing IT Needs

Prior to working with Sunriver IT, Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care was working with a one-man IT support company to handle their IT needs, however, their one-man IT support company was unable to keep up with their growing IT needs. After interviewing Sunriver IT, they decided to leverage their comprehensive fully managed IT services.

Dr. Andrew Dixon at Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care explained their reason for choosing to work with Sunriver IT: “Once I interviewed Sunriver IT, I felt very comfortable with them. We’ve been with them for almost 6 years and they’re great!”

The Resolution: Fully Managed IT Services and Support to Prevent Disruptions & Downtime While Ensuring HIPAA Compliance

Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care leverages fully managed IT services, including monthly monitoring and maintenance, HIPAA compliance monitoring and training, endpoint security, and remote/on-site support.

Dr. Andrew Dixon explained: “they provide IT support for our systems when they go down – we use 19 different computers on our network, so we’ve got a lot of devices on here. And they take care of our computers, and monitor all of our hard drives and make sure our data is backed up – everything they do keeps us from having problems! Plus, they keep us updated in terms of technology.”

In addition, Sunriver IT ensures Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care maintains HIPAA compliance. “When Windows XP was coming to the end of support date, we had four or five PCs running Windows XP and we had to upgrade to be in compliance. HIPAA is a big deal – one infraction is about $20,000 so we have to be very careful with that. They were upfront and proactive in upgrading our computers to comply with HIPAA. They’ve also trained our staff to keep us in compliance.” Dr. Andrew Dixon said.

After working with Sunriver IT for approximately 6 years, Dixon Center for Integrative Health Care couldn’t be happier with their level of expertise and knowledge. Dr. Andrew Dixon offered some valuable insight: “They absolutely go above and beyond our expectations. They’re extremely responsive to our needs! If you’re looking for an IT support company, Sunriver IT is the perfect choice! They’re knowledgeable regarding HIPAA and experienced working with healthcare providers”

Looking for an IT support company to help you achieve HIPAA compliance? Look no further than Sunriver IT! Give us a call at (615) 238-9098 or send us an email at to learn more about our IT services and support for healthcare providers in Nashville, TN.


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