Your Managed Services LinkedIn Checklist

The world has changed dramatically with social media.  Businesses and brands can compete on an entirely new level by using social media. In order to stay ahead of the competition, it’s important that you join the LinkedIn crowd. LinkedIn is the number one social media tool and where business happens. But you must know how […]

The world has changed dramatically with social media.  Businesses and brands can compete on an entirely new level by using social media. In order to stay ahead of the competition, it’s important that you join the LinkedIn crowd.

LinkedIn is the number one social media tool and where business happens.

But you must know how to use LinkedIn effectively. You can use it to:

  • Generate more leads
  • Get more traffic to your Website or Blog
  • Be found by the exact people who are looking for the products or services you officer
  • Increase your credibility and visibility
  • Be an expert or leading authority on your topic
  • Engage you ideal clients and have them reach out to you.
  • Your LinkedIn profile is more important than your Website.
  • Your LinkedIn profile will likely be the first thing that comes up in a search.

How to Begin? Start with your LinkedIn profile for your business.

1.    Get Found

  • Keywords:
    • Choose the right keywords.  Select no more than four keywords.   Such as “IT Provider” “Atlanta” “Expert”
    • Use the same keywords throughout your LinkedIn profile.
    • Use keywords in your Headline, Current and Past Position Title, and your Summary Section.
    • Your LinkedIn Headline is the most important part of your Profile. Insert your keywords in your headline.  Use an attention-grabbing statement that draws readers in.  People are usually looking for people vs. businesses.  So consider this.  Use keywords in your headline that market your business and what you do. For example,  “Your Expert IT Provider In Atlanta”  People are looking for titles that meet their need.
  • Make sure your profile talks about what you do.
  • Grow your network.  The more you’re connected to others the better.
  • Join groups.  You can join 50 groups on LinkedIn.
  • List your past experiences that are linked to your current ones.

2.    Engage Your Ideal MSP Client

  • Your profile must speak to your clients. Ensure you know who your ideal client is.  Who pays you the most money? What companies are most receptive to your services?
  • Your profile should not be all about you, but about how you can help your clients. State what’s in it for them.  How can you solve their problems?
  • Always speak in the first person. (For example:  “How can you keep your data secure?”)
  • In your Summary Section include:
    • Your credibility—only one or two paragraph about you
    • Who your ideal clients are.
    • What problems your ideal clients face that you can solve.
    • Include a call to action.  Tell people what you want them to do next. (to call you)

3.    Ensure Your MSP Stands Out

  • Complete your profile!
    • Use all the characters LinkedIn gives you.  For example, the Summary Section gives you 2,000 characters.   Use them all.
    • Include a nice profile picture.
    • Add a video (LinkedIn has made this easy to do below your Summary Section or profile section.)  It adds a personal element and helps you position yourself as an authority on your subject.
    • Add skills to your profile (no more than 20).
    • Join groups:
      • Join 4 to 5 related to your industry.
      •  Join 4 to 5 groups about things you want to learn more about.
      • Join 40+ of groups that you believe your clients join.

Remember to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date.  Keep it fresh, and speak to your clients about what you can do for them!

Ulistic can help!  For more information on how we can help you improve your LinkedIn profile, call us at 716.799.1999 x102. 


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