All Seasons Plumbing Turns To Las Vegas IT Consulting Company After Bad Server Experience

All Seasons Plumbing learned that their IT company sold them a “new” server that was in reality an old one, they turned to Orbis Solutions for IT Services and Support they could trust. The Challenge: Transition From An Untrustworthy Las Vegas IT Consulting Company After working with this provider who was dishonest and slow to […]

All Seasons Plumbing learned that their IT company sold them a “new” server that was in reality an old one, they turned to Orbis Solutions for IT Services and Support they could trust.

The Challenge: Transition From An Untrustworthy Las Vegas IT Consulting Company

After working with this provider who was dishonest and slow to respond to their needs, All Seasons was fed up and stopped using them.  This resulted in a payment dispute where the IT company actually locked All Seasons out of their server and sabotaged critical IT equipment. In the meantime, All Seasons called Orbis to repair the damage and set up a new server and system for them.

The Solution: A New Dell Server and Microsoft Map Point With AT&T Wireless GPS 

Orbis Solutions installed, deployed, and transferred the company’s data to a new Dell server. They also installed Microsoft Map Point with AT&T Wireless GPS information to generate maps for all the company’s service vehicles. As a Dell Partner, Orbis could provide a brand new Dell server at a very reasonable price. Heath Pyles of All Seasons Plumbing explained:

“With Orbis, everything is sold to us directly from Dell. We get quality products and service, as well as 24-hour support online or via the phone. We can rest assured knowing that we can reach Orbis Solutions at all times. Best of all, they solve any problems that arise as quickly as possible. Orbis provides the type of IT support and service that small-, medium- and large-sized companies are searching for.”

Heath went on to say:

“Yesterday I had a problem with computer software and they were able to get online, and figure out what was going on remotely, and really fast! This was important because I had a customer standing in front of me. With anybody else, it would’ve been 3-4 hours of wait time and it would’ve cost me the customer. The issue was handled in 30 minutes with Orbis!”

The Result: A Productive and Efficient Technology Infrastructure

All Seasons is now operating more efficiently and productively; they can see where their service vehicles are throughout the Las Vegas Valley and can easily communicate with their technicians.

Heath said: “We’re extremely happy with Sean and the team at Orbis Solutions. They’ve done so much to help us, and anytime we call, they answer the phone right away, and they show up in a timely fashion. It’s been immensely beneficial for us to have Orbis to depend on.”

About All Seasons Plumbing

Located in Las Vegas, All Seasons Plumbing is a company composed of professional plumbers who are well trained and experienced. They are all-in-one service company, providing plumbing, heating and air conditioning for commercial, residential and industrial clients. In addition, All Seasons Plumbing builds management systems for their clients.

About Orbis Solutions Inc.

Orbis Solutions Inc., located in Las Vegas, Nevada, develops strategically cost effective technology solutions. We offer a wide variety of products and services that our clients can trust, with solutions that are guaranteed to promote productivity and profitability. Our clients can rest assured knowing that they can reach us at any time, and that we’ll solve their IT problems as quickly as possible.

Contact Orbis Solutions Inc. for a no-obligation assessment of your IT Service and Support needs by calling (702) 979-1861.


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