Accounting Day Is May 18. What Do You Have Planned?

Did you know?  May 18 is Accounting Day.  Are you doing something special for your CPA or Accounting clients?  If not, you should.  This is the perfect reason to connect with your clients and show them your appreciation.  After all, a little appreciation goes a long way in today's highly competitive marketplace. Going after new […]

Did you know?  May 18 is Accounting Day.  Are you doing something special for your CPA or Accounting clients?  If not, you should.  This is the perfect reason to connect with your clients and show them your appreciation.  After all, a little appreciation goes a long way in today's highly competitive marketplace.

Going after new CPA business?  Get your free email marketing and sales letter now.  You can use this marketing material to go after new CPA business or connect with your current CPA clients.

You will get:

  • An HTML email marketing piece, allowing you to customize with your logo and messaging.
  • A sales letter that you can use to send out to CPA firms in your area.

What is the cost for this marketing material?  NOTHING.  Absolutely FREE!

How do you get this?  Just email us requesting this material and we will send it over right away.

The San Diego Chapter of the California Society of CPA’s has recognized Accounting Day since 1972.   “The purpose of Accounting Day is to promote the accounting profession, to provide an opportunity for networking among accountants in public practice, in industry, and in government, and to provide quality continuing education for attendees.”

Don't waste this perfect opportunity to connect with your clients and future new business opportunities.


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