Is Your IT Marketing Firm Putting Website Security #1 Priority

Your IT marketing firm should be assisting you with website security. Here’s why it’s so crucial to your SEO and the overall success of your business.  

Why Your IT Marketing Firm Needs to Put Website Security as Its #1 Priority

Your IT marketing firm should be assisting you with website security. Here’s why it’s so crucial to your SEO and the overall success of your business.  

You probably think you know why website security is important.

You also probably think you know how SEO works on your website.

Is Your IT Marketing Firm Putting the Emphasis It Needs to on Website Security?

The truth is, both of these things are probably more commonly misconstrued than any other factor related to IT service marketing. That’s because, as it turns out, one of the biggest and most important factors when it comes to great SEO is how well your IT marketing firm handles your website security.

How Website Security Affects SEO

Naturally, no company wants cybercriminals and hackers accessing their sensitive information, corrupting their data, or crippling access to their own systems. That’s a big reason why cybersecurity is important. Without a strong cybersecurity approach to your website, you’re at risk. For emphasis, it’s only one of the reasons that website security is crucial.

Additionally, in terms of SEO, yes, it is definitely important to have ever-changing, quality content and to link-build on your website. This will boost your SEO ratings. But again, these are only a few of the ways that SEO works to improve your search rankings and generate you leads.

In fact, website security and how protected your website is affects your SEO much more.

If you want to rank higher in search engine results and increase traffic to your site, you must consider that Google wants to see security as a top priority on your website.

This, in turn, means that you need to find an MSP marketing firm that can achieve this for you.

Your IT Marketing Firm Should Be Doing These Four Things to Improve Your Website Security

Constantly, (even as you're reading this), software bots, hackers, and other cybercriminals are trying to breach your system and corrupt your website. If they are able to do this, it will be devastating to your business.

Ransomware, for example, can cost your business hundreds of thousands of dollars or shut off your own access to your system and data completely. Furthermore, the fact that you’ve been breached will be extremely damaging to your reputation. Sometimes, in fact, companies’ reputations are damaged beyond repair. Many are forced to close and reopen with new branding while others go under completely.

To prevent this from happening to you, your IT marketing firm should take these four crucial cybersecurity steps for your website.

1. Help you improve your passwords.

You’re an IT services company, so you are already keenly familiar with the benefit of robust passwords. Still, it never hurts to have a reminder of why password protection and strength is so important. Certain steps can always be taken to improve password use across the board within your business. Remember that by doing this, you’ll be bolstering your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

2. Constantly update your website with new content.

Your IT marketing firm will largely be in charge of your website’s content, which is a great thing when it comes to maximizing your SEO efforts. They may use what’s called a content management system or a CMS to organize and maintain your site’s content.

In doing so, however, there are often numerous cybersecurity risks. Updating your CMS often (and updating your applications and plugins as well) is the best way to steer clear of associated security problems.

3. Use security plug-ins.

A smart IT marketing firm knows the benefits of security plug-ins, which protect your site against cyber threats, including all types of malicious software.

4. Ensure you have an SSL certificate installed.

Have you ever noticed that some websites have a beginning URL of “https://” and others have “http://” (no “s”) at the beginning?

So, what’s the big deal with the “s”?

As it turns out, the “s” means that the site has an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. According to Forbes, the SSL certificate “will ensure any sensitive personal info your visitors leave on your site is encrypted and therefore protected.” Securing your SSL certificate is the final security step you’ll want to take with your MSP in order to increase your SEO rankings.

Ulistic Takes Your MSP’s Website Security and SEO Seriously

At Ulistic, website security is always on our minds. Why? Because we understand how important it is — first, for your overall security and also for your SERP (search engine results page) ratings.

Ready to get started? Speak with Ulistic today to learn more about our business development, marketing, and sales services for managed IT service businesses.


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