Ulistic Can Take You Into “The Blue Ocean” Where Your Competition Will Be Irrelevant.

The client, based in Western Canada, understands that they need Ulistic to succeed.  They know that their services should be results driven, and not just based on selling IT solutions. For example, everyone uses anti-spam solutions today, and there are many products to choose from. While 90% of MSPs engage in conversation with clients on […]

The client, based in Western Canada, understands that they need Ulistic to succeed.  They know that their services should be results driven, and not just based on selling IT solutions. For example, everyone uses anti-spam solutions today, and there are many products to choose from. While 90% of MSPs engage in conversation with clients on the technical details regarding anti-spam, this shouldn’t be your ultimate sales objective. The only thing your clients care about is that they’ll be protected in the end.  They don’t want or need the technical details.

How Ulistic Contributed To Our Client’s Success  

We started with their website. We provided copy that steered clear of technical “mumbo jumbo.” No mention of antivirus, VoIP, or even managed services. Remember, your website isn’t just for your current clients, but prospects as well. Prospects who, more likely than not, know nothing about technology and don’t care, or have the time to learn about it.  That’s your job.  All they want to know is that you can help them achieve their business goals through better IT.

We included content and descriptions of how our client overcame business challenges for their customers in specific vertical markets (such as law, accounting, healthcare, education). We do this by writing and posting case studies on their website detailing real-life scenarios with their clients that include positive testimonials. We also advised that they remove vendor logos from their website. In reality, the vendors are the only people who care about vendor logos on your site, not your prospects and clients. Your business is about you and the results you provide, not your vendors’ “Shields of Honor.”

Make the Competition Irrelevant Dive Into “The Blue Ocean”

Our marketing philosophy is based on the book: Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant, by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne of The Blue Ocean Strategy Institute. According to the authors, the key to success is to refocus your marketing efforts and create new demand in an uncontested market space—a "Blue Ocean,” rather than competing head-to-head with other providers in your industry.

Your goal shouldn’t be to simply beat the competition, but to move into a marketing realm where the competition becomes irrelevant. Ulistic can help you do this.  We use marketing strategies that many managed service providers would never even consider, because they’re using what they’ve always used and haven’t considered alternatives.  It’s not your fault.  Your job is to deal with technical details.  Our job is to market and sell MSPs.  We’ll take marketing and sales worries off your hands so you can focus on your business.

We’ll move you into the “Blue Ocean” with our progressive marketing strategies. The IT and MSP marketplace is evolving at light speed. To keep up you must adopt new marketing strategies and move into a new realm. We know that a move into a this new marketing realm will be beyond your comfort zone, but like anything else in life, this is the way we grow, and the way you will grow your business. But don’t worry. Ulistic will be there as your advisor, your mentor, and Chief Marketing/Sales Officer.

2014 and Beyond

We’re confident that in 2014, our top-performing client will win even more market share and create greater shareholder value. How? By “boldly going where no MSP has gone before” and with the help of Ulistic.

Step away from the norm, re-aim your focus on client results with progressive marketing strategies from Ulistic and you’ll be our next top-performing client. Call us today: 855-964-2608 ext. 102.


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