How MSPs Can Use Ubersuggest To Find Perfect Keywords

Discover how your managed services provider business can use the free Ubersuggest tool to find the best keywords for your website and content strategy.

Ubersuggest is a great tool for managed service providers to get the right keywords to use in their content and websites to deliver great SEO.

It’s a free solution that lets you do comprehensive market research to inform your keyword strategy.

The use of keywords has evolved in recent years, as search engines add more complexity. They are as important as ever.

“Using keywords effectively on your website will help you tell a better story to both your visitors and search engines, and it will help communicate what searches your website is relevant for … so that you can get more visitors from search engines,” writes marketing blogger Nate Shivar.

What Is Ubersuggest?

Ubersuggest provides you with real-time suggestions for keywords, using the same methodology Google uses to identify strong keywords. It provides you with clear ideas for which keywords to use to optimize your rankings, including new keywords you may not have considered.

Noted marketing influencer and New York Times best-selling author Neil Patel purchased the free tool in February 2017 for $120,000 and has integrated it into his website.

How Can My MSP Use The Ubersuggest Keyword Tool?

Ubersuggest is simple to use. After entering in a keyword or phrase, the site generates several measures, including:

  • Search Volume: The average number of searches for the keyword during a month. Search Volume is rated as Low, Average or High. Higher-volume keywords will reach more searchers.
  • SEO Difficulty: This metric is a measure of the competition to rank your website high based on organic search results, i.e. those that come across naturally and not the result of a paid search strategy such as using Google Ads. Organic search relies on rich content on your website that results in better rankings and more clicks.
  • Paid Difficulty: This indicator demonstrates how much competition you’ll have in using Google’s pay-per-click service. When deciding how to spend your MSP budget for paid search, consider how competitive it will be to be successful.
  • Cost Per Click: This measure shows the average amount per click to pay Google for your site to be seen as an ad. The higher the rate for a keyword, the more valuable it is for driving results.

Right below the four metrics is an indication of how competitive the keyword is and a percentage measure of how likely it is for you to be ranked in the top 20 by using the keyword.

There’s also a chart showing the monthly search volume for the keyword month by month for the last year.

How Does Ubersuggest Help Us with Keyword Recommendations?

Ubersuggest offers an extensive set of tools to help determine the right keywords for your MSP content and website.

The site includes on its Overview screen a list of keyword ideas related to the entered term, along with the four metrics and search volume history for each suggestion. Click on the Keyword Ideas tab and you can download to a CSV file or your clipboard a list of dozens of keywords, along with the metrics and search volume for each.

The Keyword Ideas tab also includes new metrics that can be downloaded. They add an extra layer of insights for making smart keyword decisions:

  • Google SERP (search engine results pages: A list of the top 100 URLs that rank when entering the keyword into Google
  • Estimated Visits: An approximation of the number of visits a website receives from Google when using the keyword
  • Social Shares: The number of times each URL was shared on various social networks

You can use this rich data to determine what keywords fit with your content and buyer personas.

Will This Work For the Niche Content We Use in Our MSP Content?

No matter what you’re searching for, you’ll get valuable information.

Here’s an example of a search for a typical MSP service.

Typing in “cloud services small business” delivers the following metrics:

  • Search Volume: 70 (Low)
  • SEO Difficulty: 31 (Medium)
  • Paid Difficulty: 85 (Hard)
  • Cost Per Click: $71.24
  • The keyword is assessed to be easy to rank, with a 69 percent chance of ranking in the top 20
  • 50 to 70 searches per month in the past year

It’s in the keyword suggestions where you gain real value. Among the suggested keywords related to our search are:

  • Best cloud services for small business
  • Cloud backup services for small business
  • Google cloud services for small business
  • Cloud IT services for small business
  • Cloud email services for small business
  • Best cloud computing services for small business
  • Selling cloud services to small business

How Can I Use Ubersuggest for Effective Keyword Research?

With more competition from MSPs, you need to use every available tool to maximize your investment in paid search and how to develop content. Ubersuggest lets you analyze what the most effective keywords are, whether your keywords are effective and snag keywords that can be more effective.

Long-tail keywords, that are often phrases or longer groups of words, is becoming an increasingly important need. Google and other search engines are looking for long-tail keywords to determine search results.

Finding good keywords is getting harder but using Ubersuggest helps identify those nuggets of keyword gold. Here’s a process that works for using Ubersuggest to maximize your results.

1. Begin With a Basic Keyword

Start with a seed keyword or phrase that is the core of your desired search. In our example, “cloud services” would be our seed keyword.

Enter in the seed keyword and you’ll get a great list of similar words or phrases to use at the start of your research.

On the Keyword Ideas tab, you can further narrow your keywords by using filters for the related keywords. You can filter on Search Volume, Paid Difficulty, Cost Per Click and SEO Difficulty. You can also include or exclude some keywords from the results.

Ubersuggest will generate similar or relevant keywords or phrases.

2. Build Your List of Desired Keywords

Not all the suggested keywords will be ideal for your MSP. Start by identifying the keywords that will work for your business. You can dive down to more granularity by entering in the recommended keywords to see what else is available. One note: It’s likely that the more granular you go, the fewer searches you’ll find. Using the filters at each stage will help you set realistic targets based on your budget.

One approach is to use the filters to find some easy targets – keywords that are less saturated and will make it easier for you to rank. You can also try different iterations, such as keywords that include your service area or industries in which you specialize.

3. Incorporate Found Keywords into Website Content

With your list of keywords in hand, you can begin creating website content – including product and service pages and blog entries – that leverages the newly discovered words and phrases. By creating targeted content that uses those keywords, you increase your website’s visibility to searchers and search engines. Also, be sure that you incorporate the keywords into on-page elements, including the page title, URL, meta title, meta description and header tags. On-page optimization is another key element that search engines use.

An important note about content: You want to create content that is of high value and provides readers with valued information, insights and answers to critical questions. Doing so establishes you and your company as authoritative and experts on the topics you cover.

4. Find LSI Keywords with Ubersuggest

The keywords you find can help inform what content you choose to focus on. Sometimes the content will directly relate to the identified keywords. Other times, the keywords may only be related to the topic.

Latent semantic indexing, or LSI, keywords are those that are semantically related to the main keyword. They are keywords that are commonly found in content addressing the keyword.

For Google and other search engines, they help contextualize your page and place it in the proper results. Consider, for example, the word “Boston.” It could refer to the Massachusetts capital or any one of the following:

  • A rock band
  • A municipality in one of 13 U.S. states, 4 locations in 2 Canadian provinces, or any of a town, village or district in the United Kingdom
  • Locations in 12 other countries, including Australia, Colombia, Germany, Ireland and South Africa
  • A horse or dog breed
  • A type of waltz
  • An Upton Sinclair novel
  • A Steinway piano brand

Those related keywords become your LSIs. They provide context and clarity that help search engines place your site in the right results. Using them correctly is another way to improve search results.

What Other Tools Does Ubersuggest Offer?

Another great free tool is its website Traffic Analyzer. You can put in your website (or a competitor’s) and get a look at organic keywords where the site ranks, organic traffic over the past year, backlinks, referring domains.

It also provides a Domain Score on a scale of 1-100. The higher the score, the more authoritative the website is. It also shows the top pages on the site by country, the estimated number of visits each page receives, backlinks and social media stats.

The Traffic Analyzer details the top keywords by country, too, including search volume, position and estimated visits from each keyword.

Ubersuggest is a powerful, free tool to help your MSP website SEO. Grade your MSP website now at


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