Support Remote Work in a Post-COVID-19 World

Working remotely is not a new concept, however, COVID-19 has seen an exponential increase in those working remotely from 33% to 61% due to the pandemic.

Paul Berndt Of NetVPro Talks About COVID 19 In South Florida

Working remotely is not a new concept, however, COVID-19 has seen an exponential increase in those working remotely from 33% to 61% due to the pandemic. Many were thrust into his new reality without a real understanding of the pros and cons of working remotely. As a result, this has changed the way employers and employees look at remote work which is likely to continue in a post-COVID-19 world. Research has found that the coronavirus is transmitted primarily through droplets that get into the eyes, mouth, and noses especially in crowed spaces with inadequate ventilation. In an office environment where many people work in close proximity to one another, the risk of spreading the disease remains. This means even if businesses fail to adopt a working remotely strategy post-COVID-19, they will need to redesign office space and implement more stringent virus protection strategies. One potential way to reduce transmission is to continue allowing employees to work remotely. We recently connected with Paul Berndt of NetVPro to see how his team is prepared to connect and continue to provide exceptional service in a post-COVID-19 world.

The Benefits of Continuing to Work Remotely

With more people working remotely, thanks to technology and the cloud, there is a lesser need for employers to supply printers, fax machines, and copiers as remote workers have had to adapt to a new way of doing business. Remote workers tend to carry these variable costs working from home. By accepting a flexible working arrangement, employees also see immediate value and benefits of up to $4,000 per year. The costs of running a car, road tax, gasoline, and parking add significant costs if they are commuting daily to an office not to mention saving on having to buy their daily lunch or invest in an office wardrobe.

Training for Flexibility and Digitalization

Flexibility and digitalization is another huge benefit of deploying a remote workforce and a key to adapting to COVID-19. It’s possible to stay connected to co-workers and customers across the country and globally utilizing digitally integrated systems. Today’s market is flooded with start-ups covering every digital solution you could think of keeping a remote workforce agile and flexible. Teams can set up workflows to adapt to this new way of working that works best for them. With clients shifting towards this model, there are some opportunities to introduce new platforms such as Microsoft 365, VPNs and virtual machines. NetVPro is offering training in Zoom and Microsoft Teams as a fantastic way to engage more deeply with their customers.

Adapting Through the Pivot Points

Your "local" competitors have suddenly expanded dramatically, with the physical presence of a business in a particular community being less of a differentiating factor for service providers. Enterprising IT MSPs are able to reach far outside their zip code as individuals become more comfortable with conducting business remotely. This fundamental change in personal relationships provides a flashpoint for MSPs that are able to adapt their business model and pivot to reach beyond their comfort zones.

Helping Customers Improve Remote Security

Having now seen the benefits of working remotely, both employers and employees are more likely to want to continue this as a preferred strategy post-COVID-19, however, working remotely is not without risks. As many businesses have found out the hard way, cybersecurity continues to be a major concern for companies that have employees working remotely. Employers must prepare now for a post-COVID-19 world and fix any gaps in their technology to deliver secure manageable working solutions for remote workers. Phishing remains one of the best ways to gain access to employees’ credentials. Malware and phishing threats aren't new, but activity has significantly increased with cybercriminals using COVID-19 scams to fool those working remotely to click on links loaded with malware.

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