Approaching Sales Conversation with Prospects in an Effective Manner

As an MSP, you probably spend a significant amount of your sales and marketing effort on approaching prospects, then following up with them. With a full list of prospects and consistent follow-up, you’re bound to obtain plenty of new clients, right? Most of the time, that’s absolutely correct. However, finding the right prospects and following […]

As an MSP, you probably spend a significant amount of your sales and marketing effort on approaching prospects, then following up with them. With a full list of prospects and consistent follow-up, you’re bound to obtain plenty of new clients, right? Most of the time, that’s absolutely correct. However, finding the right prospects and following through by contacting them doesn’t always produce the kind of results you’d like to expect.

In order to turn a prospect into a client, you’ll need to get your prospect to agree to some type of sales conversation, which may happen over the phone or in person. The sales conversation could be an hour or a quick five minutes, as long as you find out the prospects needs and explain what you have to offer.

There are numerous ways for a managed service provider to accidentally turn a prospect away from their services. When you’ve made a lot of contact with prospects without obtaining new clients, it’s safe to assume that something isn’t right about the way you’re interacting. If your service meets the needs of the prospect, and it’s priced within the range of your market, what else could be preventing your prospect from becoming a client? Avoid the common mistakes made during sales conversation by following these 7 tips:

Increase Your Telephone Skills

A lot of people are nervous or unprepared when it comes to speaking on the phone, which doesn’t allow them to engage the prospect on the other end of the phone call. In order to prepare yourself, write out your main points ahead of time and practice them. You could even consider a public speaking class, practicing with friends, or recording yourself and listening to the recording afterwards.

Use the Right Words

Improve the content of your offer, ensuring your approach allows prospects to understand what’s in it for them. Focus on the benefits and results for the client, instead of focusing on descriptive features or the process of your work. Begin messages with “you” or “your” and use these words consistently throughout your offer. Many companies speak the “me” or “my” language, subconsciously making the prospect believe it’s all about the company, when the prospect would much rather hear what’s in it for him/her.

Make Sure Your Prospect is Qualified

Make sure you’re speaking to a prospect who has a need for, and can afford your services. Learn more about your target market and identify which segment of your market is most likely to choose your offer. Research your prospects ahead of time as well.

Target Your Offering Towards the Prospect

For example, if your prospect is looking for a pay per break/fix type of service, discuss that. If your prospect is looking for a fixed monthly managed services package, discuss that. In addition, if you’re aware of a specific pain point for your client, discuss the solutions that your company has available for this.

Become Well-Known and Recommended to Prospects

Chances are, if you’re well known and have been recommended to your prospect, they’ll have no problem taking time to talk with you. Consider increasing your professional visibility through referral-building, networking, writing articles, public speaking, or blogging.

Increase Your Competitive Advantage

If prospects are often being served by someone else, reposition your service in your marketplace. How can you show prospects that your service is higher quality, more unique and effective, or better for their business?

Don’t Overload Your Prospect with Services

When you start discussing all of the services you offer, your prospect won’t be able to figure out what you actually do and how it’s aligned with their needs. You may offer a wide variety of services, but most of your prospects are looking for a specified service. Narrow your focus and pitch the service that your prospect most likely needs the most.

Engage Your Prospects and Commit to Taking Action

Engage your prospects and commit to taking action. Be prepared and confident during your sales conversations. If you follow these seven tips during your sales conversations, will you continue to make mistakes once in a while? Absolutely. Will you turn every prospect into a client? Absolutely not. After all, you’re only human.

However, these 7 tips will help you avoid the common mistakes many managed service providers make, and eventually lead you to become more successful and productive during sales conversation.

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