Optimize Your Lead Generation Forms With SharpSpring’s Business Email Verification

After years of sitting back and praying, Sharpspring finally has business email vertification built into its platform.

Optimize Your Lead Generation Forms With SharpSpring’s Business Email Verification

There are many reasons for your company to have a website: letting potential clients know the services you provide, boosting awareness of your brand, or showing off the things that make you different from other MSPs — just to name a few.

Although all these are important for your success, your corporate website's main function must be a lead generation engine. If the website doesn't do this, then it doesn't provide much impact on your bottom line and is not offering the value it should to your business.

That's where a lead generation form becomes a crucial tool for your success, and there are few tools better at managing lead gen forms like SharpSpring. This incredible marketing automation tool is cloud-based and specifically designed to cater to small to mid-sized businesses' needs.

One of the most important features of SharpSpring is the creation of lead generation forms, where visitors to your website enter the information that you can use to contact them. In many cases, you can frame a Lead Gen form as a free quote or contact form. At its most basic, the form should collect at least a name and email address.

However, SharpSpring and many other platforms that produce lead generation forms have been easy targets of what I call "spam-fills," including fake email addresses.

Enter SharpSpring's Business Email Verification

Spam form fills are now easy to prevent when you use SharpSpring's Lead Gen Forms.

The platform now has a new function specifically designed for companies that see large numbers of people signing up for their free trials or filling their contact forms using disposable email addresses. It is also useful for you if your competitors use temporary free email addresses to download your high-value content.

The new feature is optional, so it is up to you to decide whether you want to block non-business domains when collecting contacts, and it is easy for you to activate or deactivate whenever you want.

You can find the new feature on the SharpSpring create/edit form pages, located between the options for 'Invisible reCAPTCHA' and 'Thank You Page.' Labeled 'Require Business Email Address,' the feature is a simple toggle switch that you can enable or disable by clicking on it.

In action, it is effective at blocking submissions containing common free email providers. However, the downside is that it does not currently throw an error message when it does. This oversight could be confusing for people interested in your products and might think that the form does not work.

Is It Wise To Block Free Email Providers?

I suppose that, before you activate this feature, you want to ask yourself, "Do I really want to do this? Will it result in me losing potential prospects or valuable leads that could choose to use a free or personal email address?"

It all depends on the service you are selling and the type of clients you are looking to attract. If you are looking to sell your managed IT services to more established, larger organizations, then blocking free email addresses makes sense. Few of their decision-makers would carry out official communication using an address from a free provider instead of their company email. However, many genuine leads that fill contact forms using free email tend to be from smaller companies, in my experience.

However, you cannot ignore that most people who fill your forms using free email addresses may not be real prospects. They could be carrying out research or competitors looking to download and repurpose your valuable content. You could also be getting personal emails or marketing communications coming from your landing pages. In this case, you would be wise to use the SharpSpring feature to block messages and prevent submissions containing email addresses with non-business domains like Hotmail, Yahoo!, or Gmail.

Why Should Your Business Use SharpSpring For Your Marketing Automation?

Are you using SharpSpring for your marketing automation yet? If not, you probably should. SharpSpring is a valuable tool for businesses and agencies, providing you with benefits like:

  • Automation of tasks, allowing your marketers to focus on strengthening relationships with your clients
  • Performance monitoring for your marketing campaigns
  • Analytical tools and reports for your lead management
  • Tools that help your marketing team use behavioral-based communication to convert leads into sales
  • Extensive integration with a range of customer relationship management systems (CRM), content management systems (CMS), and form builders through an App Marketplace
  • Unlimited support and affordable monthly pricing plans

Besides the advantages I mentioned above, SharpSpring also makes my job easier by providing my agency with client-branded sales materials and interfaces. As a SharpSpring partner, we also get a white-label URL, an intuitive client management console, and a simple procedure for adding new clients onto the platform whenever I need to.

Learn More About Ulistic's SharpSpring Services For Your MSP Business

At Ulistic, we use SharpSpring to build powerful marketing automation solutions for our clients. Our services will make it easier for your company to publish dynamic content, engage with prospects, create interesting blog posts, and send targeted email messages.

If your company does not have an in-house marketing automation expert, then Ulistic can easily and affordably take care of all your SharpSpring operations or implementation needs.

As a SharpSpring partner, we carry out professional onboarding to the platform and manage the technology, so all you have to do is watch your leads roll in. Our partner status also allows us to offer significant discounts to clients who buy the solution through our agency compared to companies that purchase and manage the platform themselves.

This marketing automation platform makes it easy for your company to generate leads from your website. What's even better, it is more effective than a PSA and provides all the power of platforms like Salesforce Marketing Cloud or HubSpot without the hefty price tag.

Contact Us Today!

If you feel that you are not getting your money's worth on these platforms, Ulistic has experts who will work with your team to transfer your marketing data onto SharpSpring. We offer marketing services to dozens of technology companies from Canada, the US, Australia, and the UK, many of whom trust us to implement automated lead generation programs and campaigns.
Take the next step on the path to growth by calling us at 863-451-3088, and we will schedule a free digital marketing review for your MSP business.


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