Improve Your MSP Website Speed with These Breakthrough Tools

Discover two tools that will help optimize your managed service provider WordPress site, including a website analyzer and high-quality hosting platform.

Improve Your MSP Website Speed with These Breakthrough Tools

Many managed service providers rely on WordPress as the platform to build and manage their websites. Knowing how to optimize your WordPress site makes your pages more professional and attractive to prospective customers. Discover two tools that will help optimize your managed service provider WordPress site, including a website analyzer and high-quality hosting platform

Here are a few tips and tools to get the most out of your WordPress site management tool.

How Can I Determine and Improve My Website Performance?

GTmetrix is a terrific site that provides you with lots of insights and data about your website, including the page load time as calculated by Google and Yahoo!, page load details and other analytics.

You can improve your web page's speed by using WordPress' WP-Optimize, a plugin that cleans up your database, compresses images used and caches the site. Using the plugin regularly to look at these key elements will reduce your load times, an important factor in page rank.

The image compression feature, for example, will reduce the size of your images, an especially helpful factor for page views on mobile devices. The plugin can find all of your images and reduce them or set the plugin to compress the images automatically.

The database optimization allows for weekly, biweekly or monthly scheduled optimization runs to remove and fine-tune tables throughout the database.

Other GTmetrix features include:

  • Total page size and the total number of requests
  • Relative page performance compared to other sites using the service
  • Scheduled daily, weekly or monthly optimization testing
  • Monitored alerts regarding page scores, load times, total page size and other factors that automatically email you about changes
  • Video capture of your page loading to help identify where bottlenecks occur
  • Multi-browser analysis on Firefox and Chrome
  • URL whitelisting and blacklisting
  • Reporting on multiple URLs from one location

What Role Does My Website Hosting Company Play?

While many MSPs consider it a point of pride to host their web pages on their own hosting environment, there's another option that offers reliability and functionality. WP Engine offers a suite of tools to give you more agility and better performance.

WP Engine also offers business intelligence on your site's performance. You can use dashboards and tools to track the performance of content and authors while tying in Google Analytics, improve page speed (including the impact of new plugins and site features) and code-level insights to troubleshoot application problems.

WP Engine also does a snapshot backup of your site every day, allowing you to recover quickly if a database optimization goes sideways.

For MSPs looking to improve their page performance, these tools are a great way to load pages faster, provide better viewing experiences and keep customers on your site.

Ulistic helps MSPs around the world with marketing and website optimization. Grade your MSP marketing now at


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