4 Ways to Market Your MSP on a Budget and Get More Leads

Many MSPs don't have large enough budgets to get a team of professionals to execute marketing that delivers results.

4 Ways to Market Your MSP on a Budget and Get More Leads

Key Points:

  • Many MSPs don't have large enough budgets to get a team of professionals to execute marketing that delivers results.
  • However, that doesn't mean you can't generate qualified leads with a tight marketing budget.
  • With a little extra time and little planning, your MSP can create a marketing strategy that delivers results without breaking the bank.
  • After all, marketing is a science, and with a solid strategy, you get the most out of your effort.
  • We share four unique but affordable marketing strategies your MSP can implement to generate more leads.

When starting, many MSPs don't have a large enough marketing budget to generate more qualified leads. Each of their services might be perfect, but the challenge of getting more customers who are willing to spend on your service lags behind them.

Shelling in some marketing money could have helped, but most are on a tight budget. Many MSP startups don't have the budget to invest in most common marketing practices, such as:

When that's the case, your MSP can leverage affordable marketing practices that guarantee more lead generations. Here are four tried-and-true tactics to attract customers when your MSP is on a tight budget.

1. Attend Local Networking Events

Many would grumble about going to a networking event. However, you can build IT matters a lot when you go to networking events.

When I ran an MSP company, we used to go to almost every possible networking event that we could get our hands on. We went out many times, that we got known in the networking circles.

Attending local networking events costs very little, making it appropriate when you're on a budget. When you're at a networking event, don't get busy looking for clients. Instead, look for people who can refer businesses to you. Speak to the insurance sales guys, speak to the cell phone guys, and speak to multivitamin salespeople.

You don't know who they know. If everyone you talk to knows at least 250 people, you have a great chance of getting in front of many qualified leads.

More importantly, the number of first-hand connections you make at a local networking event is incredibly valuable.

2. Speak at Local Business Club is a great resource to help you find business groups in your location. The site has all kinds of business groups.

When you find a business club in your area, reach out to the group manager or owner to see if they have any speaking opportunities. Reach out to your local trade associations. Like in networking groups, the local business club has a guest speakers slot, and that guest should be you.

When speaking to an audience, you're automatically the authoritative voice on that topic. Find an opportunity to speak in every networking group or business association that you can get your hands on to utilize such authority.

Don't worry if you aren't a polished speaker. Once you start talking, everything will come in order. All you need is to start. I wasn't great when I first started speaking at the business group. I would worry about hearing how I sound. I thought that I sounded like Sylvester the Cat sometimes.

You should overcome those fears, get out there, speak, and put your business in front of potential customers.

3. Door-to-Door Marketing or Telesales

Door knocking can be a little harder today as people came out of COVID. However, you shouldn't be afraid or think you're above knocking on doors.

I used to go out, take my car, and drive to a business park. I would walk around the business park, making door-to-door conversations to seek leads.

Alternatively, you could pick up the telephone and call potential customers. Don't outsource telesales. If you have an hour free, google search for potential customers in your area and get them on a call.

You won't know what's going to happen. Some will hang up; others will say no — you'll get all kinds of responses. However, the few yeses you get will make it worth it, especially if you're on a budget.

4. Create a Professional Website

Websites today are inexpensive. You can get WordPress, Wix, Duda, or Squarespace templates and create a professional website for next to nothing.

With services like, you can write content without hiring a content person just to get you started.

Creating a great website presents you as a professional to potential clients while networking, speaking at a local business club, and doing door-knocking and telesales. The website presents a platform where you direct your potential clients.

The website doesn't have to be perfect or 100% SEO-optimized, but it'll give your MSP the professional touch. A professional website will fight three-quarters of the battle.

You Don't Need To Spend a Fortune to Generate Leads For Your MSP

Getting more customers is the cornerstone of every MSP. After all, if you don't make more sales soon enough, you won't have the money to keep the lights on.

With a huge marketing budget, getting new customers can be easy because most generation marketing tactics are pay-to-play. In other words, the more money you shell out, the more leads you'll generate.

If you're trying to get customers on a budget, it can be a little difficult. However, knowing how to generate leads with a limited budget can be a huge asset for your MSP, especially when business is slower.

The above four strategies can help your MSP generate more qualified leads, especially if you're just a startup. You can maximize your efforts without breaking the bank.

Ulistic Can Help Your MSP Generate More Leads Even When You Have a Tight Marketing Budget

Marketing is a science, and you need a solid strategy to make the most of your effort. When you don't have a large enough marketing budget to hire a team of professionals to handle your marketing but need results, some strategies will get you better results.

With extra time and planning, Ulistic can help you develop marketing strategies that get results. Contact us today for help generating more qualified leads, even with a tight marketing budget.


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