Looking to Outsource Your IT Services?

5 Must-Ask Questions When Interviewing Providers. Do you have experience working in our industry? What knowledge do you have from working in our industry? What applications do you support? Do you understand the roles our people play? Can you provide quality references? Get proof, testimonials, case studies, endorsement letters. Ask if you can call some […]

5 Must-Ask Questions When Interviewing Providers.

  1. Do you have experience working in our industry?
    1. What knowledge do you have from working in our industry?
    2. What applications do you support?
    3. Do you understand the roles our people play?
  1. Can you provide quality references?
    1. Get proof, testimonials, case studies, endorsement letters.
    2. Ask if you can call some of their clients.
  1. Do you document everything on a network?
    1. Can you show me how you do this?
    2. What tools do you use for documentation (IT Glue, SharePoint, or others)?
  1. Do you have strategic relationships or partnerships with the systems and services we use? (like Microsoft, Apple, Lexus Nexus, Cisco, Dell, etc.)
  1. Do you guarantee your work, and back it up? Don’t work with them if not.
    1. Will they provide a written guarantee?
    2. Do they provide something free if they can’t deliver? (like free services for a month)

If you’re an IT provider, make sure you can answer all these questions, and provide the proof and a guarantee your prospective clients will want.  If you need help, Ulistic can provide guarantee certificates, case studies, testimonials, and more. Contact us at {email} {phone}


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