The Hidden Gem Your IT Service Organization Must Offer to Attract Business Opportunities

Here’s a Hint: The Market is Looking to Boost Collaboration for the Purpose of Getting More Done with Less… Every business is out to make the big bucks, that’s no secret, so what are you doing to help those you serve achieve that goal? Sure, you’re monitoring their network to prevent issues, you’re maintaining their […]

Here’s a Hint: The Market is Looking to Boost Collaboration for the Purpose of Getting More Done with Less…

Every business is out to make the big bucks, that’s no secret, so what are you doing to help those you serve achieve that goal? Sure, you’re monitoring their network to prevent issues, you’re maintaining their systems on a regular basis, but that’s simply not enough. The market is looking for innovation – they’re looking for someone who does more than stop by once in a while to fix problems.

The market realizes how important collaboration is, do you?

There’s a hidden gem your IT service organization MUST offer, in order to help businesses boost collaboration for the purpose of getting more done with less; ultimately allowing them to speed up workflow and boost take-home profits. For IT service organizations, nothing is more vital than differentiating yourself from the competition. What are you offering to do that?

Matt Miller, Director of Business Development at IT Freedom, knows it’s all about Google Apps for Work – a hosted suite of collaboration tools that helps you move your clients to the cloud without fear or uncertainty. Google Apps for Work lets you offer the following unique benefits:

  • Reduced overhead costs
  • Enhanced uptime and performance
  • Simplified access to the latest features
  • Freedom to work from any device or location
  • Enterprise-grade security and controls
  • And much, much more

Check out the recent webinar by Matt and his Austin IT Support team at IT Freedom on Google Apps for Work.

As the modern business environment continues to evolve, you need to keep up-to-date on what the market is looking for. Right now, they’re looking for the latest cloud-based solutions from trusted names and industry leaders they can trust. Google Apps for Work is exactly that.

Ulistic provides a complete outsourced marketing department for IT service organizations. Want to drastically increase your business opportunities and close ratio? Call Ulistic today at 716.799.1999 or email to learn how we can help your IT service organization.


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