Tech Pro Marketing

ROI Expectations—The Biggest Mistake MSPs Make When Marketing

MSPs ask us all the time: “How much of a return on investment will we get from Ulistic’s services?”  My answer to them is another question: “How much are you willing to participate in your marketing?” Many of you expect an immediate return on your marketing investment—But this is an unrealistic expectation. Ulistic can help, […]

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Want to Grow Your MSP Business?

Market Your Cybersecurity Expertise. The cybersecurity industry has undergone enormous growth and will continue to do so. Expenditures for on cybersecurity services and products are predicted to $1 trillion through the year 2021. Many IT service companies are jumping on the cybersecurity bandwagon.  If you want to convince prospects to use your services, you must […]

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Looking to Outsource Your IT Services?

5 Must-Ask Questions When Interviewing Providers. Do you have experience working in our industry? What knowledge do you have from working in our industry? What applications do you support? Do you understand the roles our people play? Can you provide quality references? Get proof, testimonials, case studies, endorsement letters. Ask if you can call some […]

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Video Testimonials: A Powerful Marketing Tool

Just think about it. You’re meeting with a client who loves what you do for them. They tell you so—This is great.  But, if you don’t share this, you’ve just missed a valuable marketing opportunity. Why not let your clients speak for themselves? When they “sing your praises” record and share them with everyone! Just […]

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10 Ways to Ensure You Retain Your Current Clients

You’ve done all the hard work to locate leads and turn them into customers. However, the hard work isn’t over. Now you must maintain your client relationships.  But how can you find the time to do this while looking for additional leads for your MSP business? Here are ten simple ways for you to do […]

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Marketing Lessons Learned Floating at Sea on The Kid Rock’s Chillin’ The Most 2017 Cruise.

It's All About the Community! Missy and I were very fortunate to take a few days off during April to enjoy one of Missy’s favorite bands.  Yes, my lovely wife is a huge Kid Rock fan, and we decided to take this “themed” cruise. We boarded the Norwegian Jade at Terminal 3 in the Port […]

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Social Media Marketing Is Mandatory for MSPs

It’s mandatory for your MSP business to use social media (SM) for marketing today; and an integral component of your success. Everyone uses SM, and businesses are taking advantage of it to develop connections with prospects, leads, and customers. It’s About Engaging and Building Trust. SM is about building a circle of influencers, clients, prospects […]

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The 5 Critical Mistakes MSPs Make When Marketing

First—Some questions for you: Is the marketing you do generating the business you hoped for? Are your expectations for marketing aligned with reality? Can you say that you’re ahead of the curve when it comes to marketing? If the answer to any of these is “No,” then I have one more question for you:  Are […]

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Case Studies Drive New Business Opportunities For Your MSP Business.

A case study is a story illustrating how your MSP company solved a client’s IT problem and, as a result, helped them succeed. Case studies are a great way to share, with others, your clients’ positive experiences with your company: They demonstrate your success through your clients’ eyes; They prove that you can accomplish what […]

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Why Does Selling Your MSP Services Seem So Challenging?

It Shouldn’t Be.  All You Need Is The Right Sales Process. Implementing a professional, well-defined sales process is a must for your MSP— One that differentiates yours from others. The following are some tips to help you get started. Define What Makes You Unique. Do you have expertise in one area such as cyber security […]

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