Tech Pro Marketing

The Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL)

We think it’s a ridiculous law.  Why? First, we’ll tell you what it’s about. The Canadian Government wants to cut down on a number of spam people receive.  This is a good thing, right?  However, the way they’ve gone about doing this is hurting businesses.  CASL prohibits any commercial business from sending unsolicited online marketing […]

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MSP SEO and the Proper Way to Link Content in Your Website

We all know about SEO, but few understand how to use it successfully in a website. Here’s a very simple drawing that summarizes the concept I’m about to explain. You start with your Primary website page (Otherwise known as your landing page).  This is the main landing page and root of your site (such as: […]

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Social Media Marketing Is Mandatory for MSPs.

Social media influences our lives more each day. It’s changed the way we do things, and that includes marketing. Today, an MSP business can’t thrive (and, in some cases, survive) without implementing effective social media marketing techniques. Social media marketing is a cost-effective way to promote your business and reach out to potential clients. But […]

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ROI Expectations—The Biggest Mistake MSPs Make When Marketing

MSPs ask us all the time: “How much of a return on investment will we get from Ulistic’s services?” My answer to them is another question: “How much are you willing to participate in your marketing?” Many of you expect an immediate return on your marketing investment—But this is an unrealistic expectation. Ulistic can help, […]

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What are you doing to better yourself every day?

Follow these tips and you’ll get better at marketing every day!  When marketing your IT MSP, it’s important to remember that things change every day.  Marketing is a fast-moving target.  Whatever you’re doing today, will change tomorrow—Guaranteed. For example, keywords are a thing of the past.  All that research you did? —Throw it out.  Keywords […]

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Social Media Marketing is Crucial if You Want to Build Your MSP Business.

Email marketing no longer holds the advantage that it used to. Unfortunately, spammers have exploited it—sending emails to anyone they can get their hands on, no matter how they obtained the data. Laws have been put in place that prevents this kind of marketing, such as the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 in the U.S., and […]

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The One Missing Ingredient That Will Make Your MSP Stratospherically Successful.

Boston hasn’t been good to me—flight wise that is. There are a ton of great MSPs in the Boston area we provide marketing services for.  However, from a “get out of Logan Airport” perspective, Boston isn’t my town. Flight delays due to runway construction, crappy weather, and an acute illness took its toll on me […]

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Does Your MSP SEO Professional Wear Sheep’s Clothing?

Buyer Beware!  There are a lot of “snake-oil salespeople” in the SEO world who’ll claim they know what they are doing.  But when challenged, they have no idea. They’re “drowning” in the deep end of the SEO tar pits, never to be seen again. Beware of the “Wolves.” The SEO wolves in sheep’s clothing are […]

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Want to Grow Your MSP Business?  Just Get Out There and Market.

Bryan Lachapelle, owner of B4 Networks in Niagara Canada, joined us to share how he gets new business.  Bryan started B-4 in 2004 (he’s been using Ulistic services since then as well).  He’s grown a successful MSP in an area with few businesses.  Although there’s not a big population in the Niagara Region, due to […]

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Facebook Ads As Part Of Your Managed Services Marketing

Want New Clients?  Place Facebook Ads. How Will Facebook Ads Work for You? They Reach Your Target Audience: You can reach exactly who you want—A specific vertical, age group, locality. They Function on What’s Relevant to People: Facebook runs on the basic principle that if you “liked” something, you’ll want to see more of it.  […]

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